Wednesday, September 6, 2017

NUR 473 article scavenger hunt

There are three sections of NUR 473 nursing research this semester. One has an article scavenger hunt. 

There's a library guide for this course, but it isn't tactful to post some of this info there :)

Scavenger hunters need to find and identify one of each article type.  This is from assignment instructions -  "research article (qualitative or quantitative study), integrative review (aka literature or systematic review), and theoretically based (has a theory or conceptual framework)."

In CINAHL, you can add a keyword to narrow somewhat to certain article types.  If someone is interested in the use of restraints by nurses, these are some good searches:
  • restraints and research
  • restraints and integrative review
  • restraints and theor*
Please note:
  • in general in the sciences, research articles are ones where the authors gathered their own data. I can't tell students which articles to use for this assignment, so I'll give them that prompt and tell them to look in the methods section of an article. Do the authors describe a population studied, and other details of how they gathered data?
  • integrative reviews (IR) and systematic reviews(SR) are specific types of literature review that are very thorough!  Some systematic reviews include a meta-analysis.  If the instructions ask students to find either an IR or an SR, you could add any of these terms to search:  integrative review or systematic review or meta-analysis.  The article title or abstract should say integrative review or systematic review or meta-analysis.
  • an article title/abstract might say theory or conceptual model. I can't say which article will be acceptable to an instructor.
PubMed has much more content than CINAHL, but it can be more challenging to use.

As always, feel free to refer nursing questions to me. 

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