Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Electronic resource updates

We received this update from Katherine on our Electronic Resources Help team this morning. I (or someone else) will update when/if these issues are resolved:

Taylor and Francis seem to have issues regarding downloading ebooks.  You can read the book online - but if you try to download you get a Error 404 page.  Crossing fingers this gets fixed soon.

EbscoHost - since their lovely update last week - it seems that all Ebsco links go to a search page and not directly to the title.  

I have emailed Taylor and Francis and EbscoHost - will see if they fix it as soon as I send this email.  I could only hope.

Friday, January 3, 2025

Database/library resource URLs changed

Our proxy server (the thing that makes links for users to login or recognize they are on campus) has been changed. This might cause links to break, particularly ones from Canvas courses or websites, but our database page should be working okay based on changes from technical services. If a user or yourself are experiencing an issue with a link then please try updating the prefix from https://login.libproxy.uncg.edu/login?url= to https://login.proxy180.nclive.org/login?url=

As always, please let Nick know if you have any questions!

Friday, December 20, 2024

Mergent database changes

Mergent Online, long our core database for public company financials, will be shut down in June 2025. Replacing it is Mergent Market Atlas, which we already have access to.

Ava and Steve decided to list both Mergent databases in spring 2025. Nick added a note that Mergent Online is going away.

Links are here (and elsewhere, and on the A-Z list of databases):

--AC & SC

Friday, December 6, 2024

Jan 8, 2025 update - lactation room seekers - for now, try Bryan 344-G or NIB 147

1/8/2025 update for people wanting a lactation room

I just walked over to NIB 147.  The Nursing and Instructional Building is open but the office suite that includes the lactation room NIB 147 is currently locked. I expect that the office suite will be open again when classes are in session.

For now, if anyone contacts you to ask about a lactation space on campus, you can tell them to *try* Bryan Building 344-G.  Bryan Building is open and so is the room.

photo of bryan building lactation room 344g with a sign that states it is only for lactation needs

I'm sorry that I don't have a list of campus lactation spaces with solid information - exactly when they're available and a contact person for each one.  But hopefully this information will help.  And I expect the libraries to have more lactation space news by February!

FYI, the University Libraries Spaces page has been updated for the renovation.  Jackson Library Lactation information has been removed.


Lea Leininger


Hi all,

After the Tower closes on Dec 13, if you encounter a patron seeking a lactation room, please let them know that currently the closest known room is the Nursing and Instruction Building Room 147.  No reservation system, just walk in and lock the door.  OT Lewis is in charge of that room along with the entire building.

During spring 2025, we hope to have more news about lactation spaces.

Thank you!


Friday, November 8, 2024

Current Lit Locations

 If someone is looking for a Current Lit book, it could be in one of 3 places:

1. The regular Current Lit shelves

2. ROI shelves (no longer marked CL, has pink dot)

3. Book truck in Stacks Office in transition