Virtual Computing Lab lets you log into a "computer" remotely over the internet and use certain applications installed on it. So you can log in from your home computer to use one of the following applications:
- ArcGIS
- AutoCAD
- DreamWeaver
- Illustrator
- InDesign
EndNote X2 - Office 2007
- Stata
You will need to be willing to play around to get this working. And you will need to have a Remote Desktop application installed on your computer.
Here's the VCL help page (it's from NCSU but yes still applies to us!):
Here are the log in steps that worked for me from my office on campus:
1) Log into the Virtual Computing Lab site with your Novell/blackboard account:
2) Choose New Reservation from the sidebar
3) Pick the software that you want and create a reservation
4) You should see details of your reservation with a "pending" message that eventually turns into a "Connect!" button. Be patient, the first time I tried this it took 10 minutes to get the connect button.
5) Hit the connect button. You'll be shown your username and a temporary password that you'll use to log in and use your reserved software. Hit the button under the login info that says "Get RDP file."
6) An RDP file with the name of the software that you reserved will be put on your desktop. Open the file and use the log in info that you were given to connect. You'll be opening a new window to log in remotely to a computer on campus.
7) If you'd like to end your reservation early so that you can use another application from the Virtual Computing lab, OR if you'd like to keep using your application a little longer, return to the virtual computing lab page:
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