Tuesday, September 13, 2016

NTR 302 students seeking primary research articles

Hi all,

You might hear from NTR 302 students looking for primary research articles on topics like sports drinks and performance, childhood obesity, exercise vs. diet for weight loss.

Here's the guide for this class: http://uncg.libguides.com/ntr302

CINAHL works well for most topics.  Students do need to look at the methods section of each article to determine whether the authors really did perform their own experiment or gather their own data.

It's sometimes easy to spot secondary sources, but there are lots of grey areas, and I don't always know what an instructor intends or how they will grade, so I don't tell students "yes you can use this source," instead I refer them to the instructor who created the assignment and grades the work.

Feel free to refer questions to me, but please don't set expectations that I can tell them which sources their instructors want. I apologize for that all around.


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