Friday, September 16, 2016

NUR 473D - research articles, theory article, and systematic review

Hi folks,

Students in the NUR 473D research course, registered nurses going to back to school at Union Square to get a BSN, have been asked to find these items on a topic of their choice:
  1. research articles
  2. an article that mentions a theory or a conceptual model
  3. a systematic review or an integrative review article
  4. "another piece of evidence from the Cochrane Library or the AHRQ National Guidelines Clearinghouse" 
This libguide has tips:

Here's a pro tip - CINAHL has an explodable subject heading for articles that focus on theory.  You can combine it with a broad topic like this: (MH "Theory+") AND wound prevention

Forward students needing help to me.  

This instructor has shared basic info about source expectations with me, so I can remind students what to look for and remind them about characteristics of these different sources, but I'll still be referring "Can I use this?" questions to the instructor.


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