We occasionally come across pay-per-view or PPV articles in the catalog, and it's helpful to be aware that they exist and how to identify them. If the catalog says that we have access to an article and when you click to view the Full Text it's in Science Direct it's possible that it will give you an abstract only. It will appear that we don't have access. However, if you look above the article you may see a link that says Order Document. If the patron fills in their personal info, the article will be delivered to their email within 36 hours. The library pays for the article at the end of the month so the patron doesn't need to worry about being charged for anything. Have a look at this example:
It says Science Direct PPV
On the article page it looks like only the abstract is available unless you "login" or look somewhere else, but all you really need to do is order the document. In many cases, this is probably even faster than ILL would be.
One other place this might show up is through Ingenta PPV, though it is even less common. This is just something to keep in mind. Not every Science Direct article is like this, but now, if you see one, you will know what to do!
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