Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Chronicle article from 4/24/11 "Budget standoff"

Hi all,

There have been several requests over the past few days for "the article about Brady that was published on Sunday" in the Chronicle of Higher Education -

Carlson, S. (2011, April 24). Budget Standoff Frays Nerves at a Regional Public University. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved from http://chronicle.com/article/Budget-Standoff-Frays-Nerves/127228/?key=Hmx6KFRuNXAfMHxjMDpHazZXYSduNh9wNSVHPixwbl5dGA%3D%3D

Contrary to the note in Journal Finder, LexisNexis does not lead to the current issue of the Chronicle. The most recent articles are from April 17, a little over a week ago, so slightly over one issue behind.

Beth Bernhardt confirms that we do not have current access online and that the current print issue from Sunday hasn't yet arrived. This might be a web-only article that will not appear in print. I can't tell. I clicked around and was able to get the full text. The link above worked from another computer in the library so it seems to be persistent at least. I don't know whether it will work off-campus, on a Mac, or during the gibbous phase of the moon.

I have asked that Journal Finder be updated to show that LexisNexis does NOT give us current online access, to clarify things for ourselves and for our patrons.

Mark posted a copy of the article in Ref share top level.

And ILL policy is to try for any article that we don't have online or in print.



  1. It is a shame we had to cancel the Chronicle due to the budget. I don't think it will be possible to include a useful note about Lexis Nexis access since many hundreds of titles show up in aggregators more slowly than available online and as far as I can tell, there is not a set number of days before it's available.

  2. Also, if you're interested in finding the full-text of an article from the Chronicle's site, try twitter.com/chronicle. They often post links to the whole articles. Jenny D pointed this out, because she's awesome.
