Friday, June 19, 2015

What's the deal with eReserves in Canvas?

There have been eReserves in Canvas for a semester. I just had my first question on it!

For other newbies, here's the background that Cathy Griffith gave to me -

When instructors ask library Access Services staff to put readings into eReserves for a Canvas course
  1. Our staff log into a special account in Box (like DropBox, an online site for sharing files) and create a folder for that course. They store the documents in that online folder.
  2. They send a link/embed code to that folder to instructors along with instructions (also linked  on this page)
  3. The instructor must enter the course in Canvas and take steps to create a "module" in the course. They are advised to name the module "eReserves."  I imagine some instructors might get creative and deviate from this.
  4. The instructors are also supposed to give students instructions on getting into eReserves.
To access eReserves once they are set up, students and instructors must
  1. Log into their Box account FIRST, using their iSpartan account
  2. Log into Canvas with their iSpartan account
  3. Enter the course
  4. Navigate to Modules 
  5. Navigate to eReserves or whatever title the instructor chose for this module
They should see a big widget in Canvas that looks like this, that will lead into the online folder that has the readings

Here is the UNCG IT Services support page for Canvas:

It would be nice if we could get some Canvas training in the library.  At least the UNCG Workshops calendar shows some campus wide Canvas training sessions coming up.


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