Wednesday, September 7, 2016

New Lost and Found Procedures

The lost and found procedures have changed. We will still take our lost and found to the Access Services Desk, but you will need to tag it first. There are tags in the drawer at the high desk. Fill out the left side only before you take it over and let Nick know if the supply of tags is low.

We still take everything over to the ASD, but they will no longer be taking everything to the EUC info desk. They will be keeping most items in the department for a minimum of 30 days. Items that the UNCG Police have deemed "high value" will be taken over to the Info Desk to be picked up by the Police Department once a week (I'll add the list of items that are high value when I get that info). The Superlab will also be keeping their own lost and found instead of taking their items to the ASD. 

tl;dr Fill out the tag, keep sending lost and found to Access Services.

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