Thursday, September 1, 2016

Taylor and Francis ebooks - download them to read them

Hi folks,

Kate just sent this message out -

"we have been having some issues with being able to read some Taylor and Francis eBooks online.  One can download them without problems, but if one clicks on the "read online" link, the link simply sends the user back to the "about the book" page.  T&F is aware of the problem, but have just informed me that this seems to be part of a bug with how the file opens which causes it to not open at all.  While they are aware of it, they guess that it will not be fixed until either mid September or mid October, in one of the next two bug fix releases.  So for now, direct students with questions to download the book in order to read it."

- here is the list of unlimited user ebooks that are also textbooks this semester -

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