Friday, August 23, 2024

Charlie Cartoon Hunt in Jackson Library

**This initiative hasn't started yet - I will send you an email when it does!**

We'll be hanging some "Charlies" (cartoonized images of the Charles McIver statue) in Jackson Library along with fun facts about the renovation. The idea is that when people find a Charlie, they'll take a selfie with it and show the selfie to whoever is working at the desk to get a prize.

So if you're at the reference desk and this happens: 
  1. Ask the person to show you the selfie.
  2. Once you've seen it, go to the back office near the bulletin board where intern and GA nametags are kept. There is a book cart with swag and handouts on it. Grab one of the library renovation stress ball construction hats and give it to the person. 
  3. If you offer it to them and they've already gotten one of the construction hats, you can choose another swag item from the cart.
And that's it! Email me if you have questions ( I'm adding an image of the cartoon below so you know what it looks like.

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